Rebecca picks up Medical Innovation Award from JCI Scotland
Posted by Calum Napier on
Last night, 29th March, at the Apex International hotel in Edinburgh, Rebecca picked up her award from JCI Scotland's (Junior Chamber International) for Ten Outstanding Young People Awards 2019 in the category for Medical Innovation🏆
This prestigious award was started in 1983 and has many notable honourees since then, including Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow founder of Scottish International Relief, Olivia Richmond Giles, a quadruple amputee who started the charity 500 Miles which aims to support amputees, principally in Malawi and Zambia. Dame Evelyn Glennie, an extraordinary world leading solo percussionist and Stelios Haji-Ioannou, owner of Easy Jet.
International winners have included Jackie Chan, Michelle Yeoh and Betty Makoni, winner of the UN Red Ribbon Award and chosen as an Ashoka Fellow. JCI are able to recognise exceptional talent here in Scotland and are hopeful that the Scottish Honourees will go forward to the International stage as their unique talents and expertise are globally renowned and worthy of worldwide recognition.
Young men and women aged between 18 – 40 may be nominated in one of ten categories for the JCI TOYP honour. An international panel of distinguished judges will select honourees. Up to ten top honourees will be selected from all nominations received, regardless of category entered.
Rebecca is co-founder of The Award Winning Wee Hemp Company along with husband Calum- a small family run business based in Aberdeen that sells superior quality CBD infused products via their online store which launched on 22 May 2018.
"Not only are Wee committed to selling the very best products available on the market, Wee are committed and passionate about promoting health and wellness via a natural, holistic route, as well as educating Wee Hempers (customers) on CBD, the multi-faceted hemp plant, and adopting a healthy, sustainable lifestyle."
The business stems from Rebecca’s own journey with CBD.
Rebecca was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease at the age of five and has undergone four major operations, two of which were emergencies and required numerous procedures. In late 2016 she was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, another chronic illness, which was very debilitating. Due to the level of pharmaceutical medication she had received from a young age, her body started rejecting and reacting too many things.
"Wee adopted a natural, holistic approach. Through research Calum discovered that CBD could potentially help. Since starting, Rebecca has regained her life back from Fibromyalgia, her Crohn’s is in remission (for the 1st time since she was 5) and no longer requires pharmaceuticals.
Wee decided Wee wanted to help others, and so The Wee Hemp Company was born."
- Tags: Aberdeen, Alternative health, CALUM NAPIER, Cannabidiol, cannabis industry, CBD, CBD (Cannabidiol), CBD oil, Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency CED:, Federation of Small Businesses, Hemp, Hemp News, JCI SCOTLAND, JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL, Medical cannabis, Medical Cannabis UK, MICRO BUSINESS OF THE YEAR, News, NHS, Rebecca Napier, Scotland, SCOTLAND CBD, Scottish Business, The Endocannabinoid System (ECS), The Wee Hemp Company, UK Cannabis
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