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Rebecca Wins Top Prize For Medical Innovation 2019!!

Posted by Calum Napier on
Rebecca Wins Top Prize For Medical Innovation 2019!!

Wee are very excited to announce...

Rebecca has scooped one of JCI Scotland's (Junior Chamber International) Ten Outstanding Young People Awards 2019 in the category for Medical Innovation.🏆

What is Junior Chamber International?

JCI (Junior Chamber International) is a global network of active young people from across the globe, it provides members with training and leadership opportunities, networking, social events and projects in their local community, and the chance to develop themselves both professionally and personally.

Through active citizenship, they encourage young people to take responsibility for the local issues, and find targeted, sustainable solutions that benefit our communities and the world.

JCI members embrace new ideas, collaboration and diversity. Guided by the passion to transform their lives and the world, JCI members have the courage to address the critical challenges of our time.

With around 5,000 local organisations in more than 100 nations, JCI forms a vibrant global community of nearly 200,000 young people. The collective action of all JCI local organisations forms a global grassroots movement, empowering members to run effective projects, exchange ideas and work together.

Rebecca's Journey

Rebecca is co-founder of The Award Winning Wee Hemp Company along with husband Calum- a small family run business based in Aberdeen that sells superior quality CBD infused products via their online store which launched on 22 May 2018.

"Not only are Wee committed to selling the very best products available on the market, Wee are committed and passionate about promoting health and wellness via a natural, holistic route, as well as educating Wee Hempers (customers) on CBD, the multi-faceted hemp plant, and adopting a healthy, sustainable lifestyle." 

The business stems from Rebecca’s own journey with CBD.

Rebecca was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease at the age of five and has undergone four major operations, two of which were emergencies and required numerous procedures. In late 2016 she was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, another chronic illness, which was very debilitating. Due to the level of pharmaceutical medication she had received from a young age, her body started rejecting and reacting too many things.

"Wee adopted a natural, holistic approach. Through research Calum discovered that CBD could potentially help. Since starting, Rebecca has regained her life back from Fibromyalgia, her Crohn’s is in remission (for the 1st time since she was 5) and no longer requires pharmaceuticals.

Wee decided Wee wanted to help others, and so The Wee Hemp Company was born."

Notes From The Author

Well done Rebecca, I couldn't be more proud of you & the journey you have been on. It has been far from easy, but you have never let that show & always come out with a positive attitude & a beautiful smile on your face that lights up any room.

You really are a true inspiration not just to me, but everyone who you come into contact with.

It's an honour you are are my wife, best friend & soul mate.

Love Calum XxX


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