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How Hemp Helps Bees

Posted by Calum Napier on
How Hemp Helps Bees

The challenges that bees face these days, and how hemp can help.

In the United States there are approximately 91,000 known species of the 2-30 million species of insects estimated to be on Earth today.  

And while all of the 10 quintillion insects on Earth today are important to our ecosystems and planet, there is one insect in particular which is intimately connected to us. The honeybee.

Honeybees (apis mellifera) are one of the most amazing species of insects in the world.

Descended from the wasp family, bees have co-evolved with flowering plants; each with extraordinary adaptations which allow them to utilize pollen, nectar and other parts of plants they share a symbiotic relationship with. When these pollinators disappear, so too will all the flowering plants and trees they pollinate to keep alive.

Honeybees make up about twelve of about 20,000 species of bees.  

The cornerstone of entire human economies, ecosystems, and health, they have helped humans become as successful a species, as we are today.  The primary pollinator of fruits, vegetables and nuts, and supporting pollinator of coffee and other plants, the honeybee has entire human economies resting on it’s tiny thorax.

If we cannot save them we will lose flowering plants, soils, and foods upon which we depend, for environmental and human health.  We will lose foods which hold extraordinary sources of specific vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

The Bee, One of Many

In the world of pollinators – from bees to butterflies and ants, to bats, hummingbirds and more – losses are accelerating each day.  We need all of our pollinators for healthy ecosystems and so we must support and save them all, if we wish to continue our lives – literally – on this planet.

What’s Bugging the Bee

There are many known and unknown issues related to honeybee and pollinator losses.  Known losses include the impacts of glyphosate (also known as Round Up) herbicide and neonicotinoid/pesticide and fungicide poisoning, loss of habitat and forage, mite infestations, too many “backyard beekeepers”, and weather “anomalies”. Relatively unknown factors in honeybee and pollinator losses are primarily related to geoengineering; large scale weather modification projects which use technologies ranging from nano-particulate and bioengineered aerosols, to microwaves. Nano-particulates of aluminum and cell tower use for geoengineering has devastating impacts on their tiny bodies.

How Hemp Helps Bees

Hemp is an extraordinary plant.  

From its uses in a host of industries, to its health properties, to it’s phytoremediation (soil cleaning) abilities, this fibrous, nutritious, low water, plant is possibly one of the most important plants in saving the honeybee – and all pollinators.

The hemp flowers themselves are a decent nutrient/nectar/pollen source for bees, however, that is only a small part in its scope of benefits for pollinators.

It is what hemp does for the environment that makes it an invaluable hero. 

Pollinators need healthy forests, meadows, riparian zones, farmlands, and grasslands to thrive.  In replacing forest products (building materials, paper products, toilet paper, etc.) with hemp, we can conserve millions of acres of forest, leaving these natural systems as habitat.  

In replacing cotton, soy, canola, and other genetically modified, chemical-intensive crops with hemp for oils, food, and textiles/fabrics, we are saving soils, waterways, and pollinators (and with that, the birds, amphibians, insects, and reptiles who eat them).  And, in utilising hemp for energy (via fuels and batteries), and plastics, we save ecosystems, from rainforests and plains, to our extraordinary oceans.

Soils damaged from conventional agriculture, nuclear contamination, geoengineering chemicals and metals, and other toxic impacts can be cleaned up with hemp planting and rotation; their stalks and oils used in conscious ways so as to not further contaminate the environment.

Bee-ware of Bad Hemp

The Monsanto/Bayer/Pfizer/Scotts/Gates partnership is one the greatest threats to hemp and pollinators on earth today.  

From the makers of poisonous substances and genetically engineered plants, microbes, animals and more, to the creation of ROBOBEES and genetically modified biofuels, to chemicals used in geoengineering, this group poses extraordinary dangers to the health of our pollinators and planet.  In the quest to own nature and control climate systems, this group has negatively impacted pollinator – and all – life on the planet for over a half century. They have been ramping up dangerous projects with the support of the FDA, EPA, and USDA which the partnership has helped to direct through lobbying, and placing of Monsanto partners and employees, as officials. Unfortunately, there are now also indications that the Monsanto partnership is making plans to get involved in the cannabis industry.

Bee aware.  Bee proactive.  Bee heroic.

What you can do:

  • Be a conscious consumer: Purchase true sustainable and organic products and non-GMO hemp.
  • Just say no to GMO.  GMO products are allowed to be grown with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and biotechnology. Many GMO foods are extremely toxic to bees and other pollinators. Some crops that is heavily sprayed are: almonds, cashews, walnuts, apples, pears, strawberries, and more.
  • Open your mouth: Discuss pollinator loss issues and impacts with friends and coworkers.
  • Become political:  In order to create change you must go to those who are making the major decisions.  Speak with your local, regional, and state representatives about these issues.

Bee, a badass.  Save the bee.  Save Earth.

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1 comment

  • Colin on

    Hi guys,
    Great article and very neatly laid out, only issue for me is the “too many back yard beekeepers” I would love to share it with within the beekeeping community but with that line in the article it would be a bit hypocritical of me 😂😂. Doing a fantastic job keep it up. Talk soon Colin

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