Wee Hemp
‘6 Pack & Save’ CBD Drops - Save £££’s
6 Bottles for the price of 5!!
Old Farming Methods, Elevated By Science
The key to supplementing with cannabinoids is consistency.
Although Wee receive many reports of the benefits after just a few days, to really get the best out of CBD products for more chronic conditions, you must supplement for an extended period of time to awaken your Endocannabinoid System.
This is why Wee have created our '6 Pack & Save' to help you support your Endocannabinoid System the very best way possible with our superior quality cannabinoid extract.
CBD, or Cannabidiol, supports the largest signalling system in the human body, the Endocannabinoid System. This system produces cannabinoids within our body, these are called Endocannabinoids.
When an individual becomes deficient, or cannot regulate their Endocannabinoids appropriately, supplementing with Phytocannabinoids, such as CBD products, is recommended.
The Endocannabinoid System is thought to play a major role in maintaining our bodies equilibrium & promoting homeostasis. This however, does not happen over night, you must build up the levels of cannabinoids within your body to achieve this.
Depending on how deficient you are in Endocannabinoids will ultimately decide on which strength & form of CBD to start on.