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Reishi - The Mushroom of Immortality

Posted by Calum Napier on
Reishi - The Mushroom of Immortality

Blog By Calum Napier, The Wee Hemp Company, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

Want to increase you longevity?? Wee know a Fungi that can help with that!!

‘The Mushroom of Immortality’.

Reishi Mushroom Capsules by the Wee Hemp Company, Aberdeenshire Scotland. Reishi with a head dress & Staph with purple background. Fantastic fungi Boxset.

Reishi, also known as Ganoderma Lucidum & Lingzhi is a fungus with near magical reputation for boosting our health!

Reishi’s history stretches back almost 4,000 years, & depictions of the mushroom frequently appear in ancient Chinese & Japanese artwork.

Why was this Fungi so revered?

Reishi was traditionally used as a medicinal mushroom to enhance the immune system, reduce stress, improve sleep & lessen fatigue.

Probably the most well-known benefit Reishi has is its ability to support our immune system. 

Reishi & The Immune System

Reishi Mushroom with purple background. The Wee Hemp Company Reishi Supplement 12,000mg active fungi compounds.

Studies show that the polysaccharides in this fantastic fungi may help modulate our immune system and even alter inflammation pathways in white blood cells.  [Study 1][Study 2] 

Reishi can also affect genes in white blood cells (a critial part of your immune system). It has also shown the ability to alter & lower inflammation pathways in these white blood cells so your body is better able to fight off infections. (Study3)

In another older study, the fungus improved the function of lymphocytes, which help fight infections and cancer, in athletes exposed to stressful conditions. (Study4) ,(Study5).

Reishi Can Reduce Fatigue & Depression!

Reishi Mushroom chopped on chopping board with purple background. The Wee Hemp Company Reishi Supplement 12,000mg active fungi compounds.

Now, although Reishi’s effects on the immune system are often most emphasised, surprisingly it also has the ability to reduce depression & fatigue.

One study examined its effects in 132 people with neurasthenia, a condition associated with aches, pains, dizziness, headaches & irritability (Study6).

The researchers were found that fatigue was reduced & well-being was improved after 8 weeks of taking the Reishi supplements (Study7).

Another 2012 study on people with breast cancer found that taking Reishi powder reduced fatigue, anxiety, & depression & improved quality of life after just 4 weeks!! (Study8).

Reishi, Your Heart & Your Blood Sugar

Reishi Mushroom Capsules with purple background. The Wee Hemp Company Reishi Supplement 12,000mg active fungi compounds.

Many studies looking at people with both healthy & unhealthy levels of blood sugar & lipids found that Reishi mushroom may help decrease blood sugar, increase HDL (good) cholesterol & decrease triglycerides (Study9).

In another study in healthy adults Reishi showed a slight trend toward lower lipid levels, but this was not statistically significant (Study10).

Reishi Can Make You Live Longer

Dried Reishi Mushroom with purple background. The Wee Hemp Company Reishi Supplement 12,000mg active fungi compounds.

In 2009, a lab-based study published in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry concluded that the polysaccharides, or long chains of carbohydrates, found in the Reishi mushroom had life-span-extending properties.

These unique molecules were linked to promoting longevity by boosting the immune system & preventing abnormal blood vessel formations that could lead to life-threatening cancerous growths.

Now, wee are not saying “if you take Reishi mushroom every day you will become immortal”, but it could have huge long-term payoffs & starting early is key to the longevity. (study11)

Reishi Can Re-generate Your Liver

Reishi Mushroom grows on a tree. The Wee Hemp Company Reishi Supplement 12,000mg active fungi compounds.

Wee all want our liver to be good at its job, you know, eliminating toxins effectively.

So have you thought of giving Reishi mushrooms a try? 

In, a study in Food and Chemical Toxicology used the power of the Reishi mushroom to reverse chemical-driven liver damage in mice. 

The same triterpenes that displayed anti-cancer properties in other studies appear to aid the release of free radicals & promote liver cell regeneration. (Study 12)

Reishi Has Neuroprotective Qualities

Reishi Mushroom grows on a tree. The Wee Hemp Company Reishi Supplement 12,000mg active fungi compounds.

If you are anything like us, wee are always looking to improve our memories & protect our brains.

There are a number of ways to do this, and Reishi is definitely one of them!!

In 2012, Neuropharmacology published a study that found Reishi mushroom may have neuroprotective effects in rodents, which could be important in future research surrounding Alzheimer’s disease.

In this study, it was shown that Reishi extract supports the production of nerve growth factor, a protein that is vital for healthy neurological function. (Study13)


Reishi Mushroom grows on a tree. The Wee Hemp Company Reishi Supplement 12,000mg active fungi compounds.

There is no doubt that Reishi has earned its name ‘The Mushroom of Immortality’ by those who use it. 

The potent health benefits can aid a longer & mare able life as wee grow older & the immune boosting benefits have been recorded back thousands of years, it’s time wee made room for these Fantastic Fungi in all our lives.

Congratulations, you made it to the end!!

Here's a Wee discount code for 20% off our Reishi Capsules, use code: REISHIBLOG 


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