Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil: What's The Difference?
Posted by Calum Napier on
When looking at multiple natural oils, there are two you are sure to come across: Hemp oil & CBD oil.Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they are different products that are used & consumed in their own way.Let’s take a look at the differences of hemp oil vs CBD oil.
What Is Hemp Oil?
Hemp oil is extracted from the hemp seeds.
Hemp plants are a form of cannabis sativa, (specifically cannabis sativa L) that is typically grown for industrial purposes. These plants contain low levels of cannabinoids including the two most commonly known: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) & CBD (cannabidiol). The oil is obtained by cold-pressing the seeds of the hemp plant. This method of extraction is similar to how olive and coconut oil are obtained.
Since hemp seeds do not contain any THC, the extracted oil does not contain any as well. Trace amounts may potentially still be found due to plant matter adhering to the seeds during processing. However, modern commercial manufacturing decontaminates seeds by 99.99%.
Oils extracted from different parts of the hemp plant may contain some amounts of THC or CBD but still be labelled as hemp oil since it is made from hemp plants. These products must have that information printed on them. So, be diligent to read before purchasing if you are concerned about ensuring it is CBD & THC-free.
The important thing to keep in mind when thinking about hemp oil vs CBD oil is that even though CBD oil sometimes is extracted from hemp plants, it can also be extracted from other cannabis plants that contain higher levels of THC (In the UK however this is illegal, CBD can ONLY be extracted from the hemp plant).
Hemp oil is always extracted from hemp plants but can contain no CBD/THC (from the seeds) or high CBD/trace THC (from the resin glands).
How Is It Used?
There are multiple uses for hemp oil, which is part of its rise in popularity.
Hemp oil can easily be added in food as a vitamin supplement due to its high level of vitamins E, B, B1, & B2. Hemp oil also contains potassium, magnesium, & fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega- 6, in addition to being rich in protein & antioxidants.
Hemp oil is often used in shampoos, lotions, soaps, & other beauty or cosmetic products around the world.
It can also be found as an ingredient in plastics, paint, dressings, lubrications, & bio-diesel fuel. As such, using hemp oil can be an experience individuals desire since it has so many benefits.
Benefits Of Hemp Oil
The fatty acids hemp oil contains (omega-3 & omega-6) is one of the most beneficial health factors of it. These acids can help diminish the signs of aging & improve heart health. They also are what make hemp oil such a great moisturizer, since omega-3 & omega-6 act in a similar manner as the skin’s natural lipids. This allows an increase of skin elasticity & water retention. It is great to use hemp oil to hydrate your skin, hair, & nails, helping them stay healthy and strong.
Cholesterol can also be lowered by consuming fatty acids. They help to increase your metabolism, which results in burning fat at a faster rate and keeping it from depositing on your artery wall. Your nerve cells are also protected by omega-3 & omega-6, as they prevent the damage of the myelin sheath.
Benefits Of Topic Hemp Oil Use
Gamma linoleic acid, found in hemp oil, helps to fight psoriasis, a skin condition that affects many individuals around the world.
Again, keep in mind when looking at hemp oil vs CBD oil, that some hemp oils can also contain CBD, depending on the type oil purchased.
Read the label to ensure that you are getting the type of oil that you desire.
Now let’s talk about CBD oil & what makes it different from hemp oil.
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD oil refers to oil that contains a concentration of CBD, or cannabidiol.
It is most easily extracted from hemp specifically cultivated to be high in CBD since it only contains trace amounts of THC. This makes the ratio of CBD to THC much higher.
THC is what causes the effect of feeling euphoric or “high”. The forms of cannabis plants that are typically used for smoking are bred to be high in THC. CBD does not give that feeling when consumed as it works with your body in a different way. In fact, CBD may counteract some of the effects of THC. The high ratio of CBD to THC in hemp plants is what makes them ideal to make CBD oil (also known as CBD hemp oil) since it will not get you high.
How Does It Work?
CBD works with the body through the endocannabinoid system, or ECS. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for keeping the body in a state of balance. It impacts the functions of sleep, mood, pain, appetite, hormone, & immune response. ECS also aids your body in creating natural cannabinoids.
CBD helps to stimulate your body’s natural cannabinoid production to maintain the efficiency of the receptors and optimal function of the endocannabinoid system. But CBD does more than just affect cannabinoid receptors. It impacts many other receptors too.
Opioid receptors are also affected by CBD.
It has also been shown to affect dopamine & serotonin receptors as well. Dopamine helps regulate aspects of cognition & behaviour, i.e. motivation & reward seeking. Serotonin receptors deal with problems such as anxiety & depression.
Looking to start your CBD journey & boost you endocannabinoid system?
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- Tags: Cannabidiol, Cannabis news, CBD, CBD (Cannabidiol), CBD oil, CBD Supplements, Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency CED:, Hemp, Hemp News, Hemp Oil, Medical cannabis, Scotland, The Endocannabinoid System (ECS), The Wee Hemp Company
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1 comment
Hi the wee folk been on 5% hemp oil for a couple months now and working very well taking 3 drops in the morning and 2 at lunchtime gets me through the day great. I was a bit worried that what if it stops working as well if the body gets used to it. Can this happen or any suggestions please…thanks jim